A fall scene of canal and trails

Join us November 2, 2024!


  1. Nature hike with David McCain along the Canal Towpath. Meet at the Canal Center at 2:30pm
  2. Choose your own hike alone or with family and friends along any of the 10+ miles of Delphi Historic Trails

Pick up a trails map at the Canal Center or City Hall.

In November even bare trees and the lowering sun can present a subtle beauty on canal trails.

Been thinking about taking a good walk? Get out on the Delphi Historic Trails on “Hike the Trails Day” on November 2 this year. Enjoy the outdoor air and look for nature’s beautiful little miracles in the rocks, trees, plants, birds and other animals that abound in the outdoor world.

David will lead a walk starting at the Canal Center at 2:30. He will speak of the natural and historic features of the Delphi Bayou, a new Canal Park addition, as well as, finding interesting natural things in a stroll along the old 1840 canal towpath.

Have you been wanting see and walk the new Monon High Bridge Trail on the east end of town? Try it out on “Hike the Trails Day.” The trail stretches the full length of Bicentennial Park from Miller Park (parking lot available) through the Bison Plaza (parking lot available) and Freedom Bridge to the revamped Monon High Bridge over Deer Creek.

Woolly worms are a common sight on the trails in November. This little guy is likely searching for a place to hole up for the winter since, amazingly, these caterpillars don’t make cocoons for winter. Instead, they overwinter in this caterpillar stage and they are specialized to be completely frozen until spring.

New safety features have been installed along all trails in the last five years. Cameras have been installed at entrances to all trails and other important areas. Also, all trails have a locator system to report to 911. There is a locator post every tenth of a mile. To report an incident: (1) find the nearest post, (2) copy down or remember the letters and numbers, (3) call 911 on your cell phone. Emergency personnel have a locator map of the entire trail system, which can direct a response to the right spot on the trail.

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